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Working with Credit Notes

Credit notes work in a similar way to a job, but are not assigned a job number. When you have completed a credit note, a CRD number is assigned to it, in the same way that an INV number is generated for an invoice when you book out complete a job.

To create a credit note

From the Action menu, choose "New Credit Note", or with an existing job on the Main Form, choose Copy to New... and ensure you select the Credit Note marker on the popup that appears.

Complete the credit note by adding the customer account as you would a job, and the line items that will make up the credit. The amount showing at the bottom right of form is the total amount of credit that will be given by this credit note when you save it.

When you have entered all the details on the credit note, choose "Save credit note" at the bottom of the form, or from the Action menu.

At this point the current date is assumed for the tax date of the credit note, but you can alter this to any date you require from the confirmation screen. (Remember that the tax date will affect which statements the credit note will appear on; if you set a tax date on the credit note of somewhere within last month, it will not appear on the statement for this month - although the balance brought forward from last month would be correctly affected by the credit.)

Choose to print out/email/preview the credit note as required.

Allocate the credit

Once you confirm saving the credit note, you will need to allocate the credit to any outstanding invoices.

Usually you would be creating a credit note to refund an existing invoice in-part or fully. If this is the case you can allocate the credit from the credit note to that invoice by clicking it in the list. You should see an appropriate amount appear in the "This Credit" column next to the invoice you clicked.

If you do not want to allocate the credit to a specific invoice/s, or those invoices already have full credit allocated to them, you can always use the "Auto Apply" button to let LabManager apply the credit to the earliest available invoices that still need credit on them.

If you do not allocate the credit (or can't, as there's no invoices to allocate to), the statement will show an unallocated credit amount. Note that the balance on the statement will be correct. You will need to allocate this outstanding unallocated credit once you have more invoices for this customer.

Find a credit note

You can search for a credit note using any of these methods:

  • In the Job # box on the main form, enter the CRD number of the credit note and press Enter. If you only enter the numeric part of the CRD number, you will be prompted if you wish to search all invoices and credit notes.
  • Use the Job search (from the toolbar or Job menu > Select). At the top of the search screen, select the Search box and change this to "Completed Jobs". You will now see all your invoices and credit notes in tax date order.
  • From the customer's history. With the customer on the main form, view their history either by pressing F11 on your keyboard, the Customer History icon on the toolbar, or Customer menu > History.

Delete a credit note

Locate the credit note using any of the methods above, then use Action menu > VOID Invoice or Credit Note

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