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How to give discount on a practice invoice or statement

During the month I will be invoicing jobs as normal for the dentists. I need to send 1 monthly statement for the practice, containing all the dentists and their balances of that month. On that amount I want to put a 10% discount.
Trouble is, that I cannot select a whole practice on my main screen and do "early payment" option, as I can only select dentists.
When I print out a monthly statement for the practice (having listed all the different dentists) if there could be an option to put 10% on that, that would be great.

Put another way, the main dentist (who actually opened the practice) does not want the other dentists to see that he has a discount on all jobs from that practice. 

It sounds like you want to send out a statement to the practice manager, showing discounts etc. which are not seen by the individual dentists.

There is a way to do that.

In short, you can set up a principal dentist for that practice, and allocate the remittance(s) and 10% discount manually. (or with the Remitter app if it's a big account).   

It's where you create a 'Principal account'  (or assign a Principal Dentist, which is the same, except the dentist does work as well) for that practice.
This is often also used where practice managers (or principal dentists) don't want their dentists to see the discounts given.
You can either handle the remittance and allocations manually  (ok, if you have time) or you can use the Remitter app.
In short, what you are doing is sending the practice a 'normal' practice summary statement and invoice.
But you put their remittance into a separate account, in that 'principal account' you must transfer the value of the remittances via debits (Transfer to sub-account) to the other dentist accounts. These are allocated to each other as appropriate.

Read more about it here:

You can do it without the Remitter, and without setting up a separate principal account.
Accounts for Bridge Road Practice:  for Nov2021
S Jones is the practice manager...

J Smith            500.00
D Robinson     1000.00
S Jones           700.00
Total                2200.00

Send the above invoices and statements together (practice summary, invoice, or statement)  or separately as required.

On D Robinson, add a payment credit of type: 'transfer from principal account',   1000.00 CR
On J Smith, add a payment credit of type: 'transfer from principal account',   500.00 CR
Let the above credits auto-allocate to previous invoices

On S Jones (principal dentist):
Add a payment debit of type 'transfer to sub-account'  1000 DR
Add a payment debit of type 'transfer to sub-account'  500 DR

On S Jones:
Add remittance received   2000.00  CR (allow it to auto-allocate )
Add a payment credit of type ( Early Payment Discount or Adjustment Credit )    200.00 CR  (allow it to auto-allocate).

You can now send another statement to S Jones which will include all the above information.
It will also include any jobs they did, however if you don't want that you can use a separate 'Principal Account'

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