Report to show a certain product, for a certain client for a certain time scale.
It is vital to understand clients trends, and we really need a report that can be totally bespoke to the following fields that can be varied without boundaries.i.e.....
How many NHS - Bonded Crowns - did Dentist Smith - do in June.
Is this function available because I can't readily see it.

Available from v7.01 beta: These new sales reports are available.
Report: Sales By Product
Columns : code,description,qty, net sales
Variable Selection criteria:
Customer (All customers, Enter custID)
From date (Enter date, Today, last month start, last month end)
To date (Enter date, Today, last month start, last month end)
Sort by (Code, Description, net sales, qty)
Report: Sales By Product Grouped by Price Band
Columns: priceband,code,description,qty,net sales
Variable Selection criteria: Same as Sales By Product
Report: Sales By Product Grouped by Nominal Acct
Columns: Nominal acct,code,description,qty,net sales
Variable Selection criteria: Same as Sales By Product
anonymous commented
I'm not sure whether the following is covered within the release, but it would be helpful to have an ability to have a report where a particular product code over a set period would pull up the surgeon/patient details of every job done during this period.