Overwriting a price, means 'price band' field is lost.
Sometimes you need to adjust the price of an item when you are invoicing, you don't necessarily want to load a new code or apply a discount. When you you manually alter a price, or enter an Alloy price (which is left blank as it differs everytime single time) the Price Band i.e. NHS/Private is lost. This means not only are invoices/patient statements missing information, but the reporting is effected. The 'Sales by product grouped by Price Band' Report becomes an inaccurate and therfore unusable report.

It may be possible to support some kind of custom price ‘whilst retaining the band/grade name’ on the lineitem. Some labs may not want this feature (for the reasons below) therefor this item is left in Under Review status to gather votes and comments.
There is a reason why the PriceBand on a lineitem row needs to become ‘blank’ (custom) if the item price is customized. The Customized price no longer matches the price list as that price, so there would be no consistency and no way to recoqnise that a pricing error has occurred. However, the jobs ‘Main price band’ given at the top of the Main Form, is a valid substitute in those cases.
Our prevailing view is that if a price needs to be customized, it is not from the price list and therefor not a standard grade/price combination. To accommodate a new price for an item, either a new price band or product code variation can be created, or apply a discount to the job.
The Sales by Product Grouped by Price Band has been modified such that 'customized' prices appear on the report under 'Custom'.
Re the issue '(which is left blank as it differs everytime single time) the Price Band i.e. NHS/Private is lost.' : This cannot be 'fixed' due to the fact that if a Custom price is entered it is no longer identified as one of the existing Prices eg. NHS.
However reports and documents, will be modified such that Data is not omitted if a custom price is used.