Can we have the option to print reports in portrait or landscape (wide), eg Aged debtors report at the moment can only be printed in wide.
Printing options

Reports and data lists have been configured with the number of visible columns in mind, so are specifically designed for portrait or landscape.
You can export from data lists to CSV format, as well as use the CSV Exporter. From Excel you can format and print as required. -
anonymous commented
I agree, all printing here done in portrait, a option to change it would be helpful
anonymous commented
I totally agree! This was adjusted to be portrait in the last but one revision, as I requested the same thing then. I have just had my transactor updated to the latest revision and its gone back to being in landscape only again! 6 pages print in landscape instead of 3 in portrait. I don't know about anyone else, but I only require portrait, for anything I print. Thanks, W.
guisdental_lab commented
Would it be possible to change the aged debtors list to portrait, instead of landscape.