Subcontracted return date reminder
I subcontract Ch/Co work.Is there any way Transactor could "flag" up the date when a particular subcontracted job is due for return.This would act as a reminder on that day.

Yes Transactor can flag up these jobs on a daily basis, but you need to invoke a report or jobs list.
Each close/or start of Day, print a job schedule report (Reports\Jobs\Booked In)
This information is also available at any time by clicking Jobs List and choosing Active Jobs – Booked In by Due Date.
Don’t forget to set the Job Due Date when booking in.
If you want to restrict the report to a Department eg. ‘subcontracted Ch/Co’, then on booking in, assign the job to that department. In the Booked In jobs report choose that Department only.
To add amend departments, use your Control Panel. (Setup Wizard, Debts / Stages).
We have noted the reference to a Pop up please also see this Idea / Suggestion