Would like a discount or credit to be automatically applied to a customer when their current bill reaches a set level
Not early payment discount

If you discount by Practice and there are, say, 5 surgeon accounts in the Practice... which account gets the discount credit ? Do they all get a proportion or does it go to a Principle account ?
anonymous commented
Hi. Potentially this sounds like it could work. We discount by practice, so when that practice his £X the discount would set in - so yes this should work. Would you be able to implement this? It is also helpful for it to be something that we can run when we are billing.
Interesting idea... If this is intended as a 'monthly' discount, then one possible way we could consider doing this is... to set up a TASK (similar to a report) that can be run before running the end of month statements. The TASK would scan all customer accounts, if any account balances exceed the 'set level' then a 'Credit' transaction is added to the account. How does this sound?