Is there way of of finding sales by product in a certain practice.
Is there way of of finding sales by product in a certain practice.

not exactly that report, but you can use the standard sales by product report. selecting all the surgeons in a practice by Customer Tag. see comment
As a work-a-round you can use the standard sales by product report. selecting all the surgeons in a practice by Customer Tag. as follows.
1. tag all the customers in a practice with an appropriate tag eg. STA1
2. run Reports\sales\by product
3. in the Customer box, Enter Customer Tag eg. STA1
choose the other criteria eg date range and sort and click OKnote:
1. refers to the Customer TAG which you can assign to each Surgeon/customer that works in a given practice. Onto a blank Main Form, select a Surgeon/Customer. choose Customer/Edit. Add a Customer Tag bottom right of the Customer Record window. You can add new customer tags in Control Centre/advanced/tags