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  1. Add a button next to State box to allow quickly producing documents for this job and customer

    Currently you can click the state box on a completed job to see an invoice in the preview window.

    Expand on this to allow quickly producing job documents (the F5 Print ones) as well as Statements etc. for the current customer without having to go into the Report menu and sub menus.

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  3. Allow editing "Your Ref" when a job is completed

    We'd like to add something to the 'your reference' section (top middle) after completing the job without having to go back into edit. Like you can with 'Patient name' and 'notes'

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  4. Email from preview window using email list

    When emailing from the preview window, the primary email address is automatically added as a recipient. Can we choose to use the customer's email list as the recipients, without having to copy from the customer details before running the report, and then pasting

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  6. We need to create single invoices and patient statements that are merged from sub-jobs

    We create a new job for each stage of a job. At the end of the job we we'd like to produce a merged invoice and a merged patient statement created from all the staged sub-jobs of this job.

    Our old software used to let us do this.

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  7. Include technician barcode scanning in Transactor 8

    We understand Transactor 8 will include more barcode scanning and printing features. We'd like to scan a technician's barcode so they can see the jobs they're working on

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  10. Email Messages

    Would it be possible to set up a messaging system on the Transactor so if you needed to send some or all of your customers a message it can be done using the Email details set up on Transactor.

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  11. Custom report

    I would like a report where I can choose the fields shown so that I can replicate the early version of Transactor that I got so used to using please please with lots of sugar on top!

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  13. edit internal/private notes

    I sometimes want to edit internal notes, or correct a typo, but this is not possible. You have to add a new entry. Which is not ideal, and serves to confuse sometimes too. Also, I enter internal notes/codes with EVERY job raised so it's also frustrating that you can't just TAB into this field - like you used to be able to, but have to mouse click onto it. which does disrupt the job raising process.

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  14. generating a bar code to log materials details (lot no) for mdd against a job

    As you have the bar code function it would be good if I could (in the simplest form). add materials to a data base with details such as lot numbers & expiry dates which then generates a bar code sticker which can be applied to the material or just on a sheet, then when you scan the job bar code you can then scan the material bar code and save the materials info against that patients work, helping to comply with MDD making it less of a literally a paper trail and more pc based.
    You could then go on…

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  15. Practice Summary Invoice detailed - paged to be tweeked?

    As per the below suggestion, I agree the Practice Summary invoice detailed- paged does not need a code! INSTEAD the 'notation' field is vital info, to give the customer a comprehensive statement/report. Also as requested before, be nice if there was a LINE under each job to define them, as the info is pretty close, it doesn't scan easily. I've had customers disputing stuff just because they could workout where one job ended and another began.

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  16. Is there any way we can preview the actual content of emails that have been previously sent?

    All I can find is how to check when emails were sent and not what was in them. We have a case where at end of month we sent a statement to a client. They called to query a charge and it was removed but our records of fee changing for the month were not noted. We want to find out what the initial statement was that was sent to the client as transactor no longer shows the original statement fee when running monthly sales report. The only way I can think to check initial fee is to check email…

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  17. practice summary statement

    This report is amazing !!!!! - Yet still many clients are getting in a pickle as it's clearly far to complex for them to understand. Any chance a monthly total can be added as per my attachement?
    Many thanks

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  18. comprehensive statement

    Still, the amount of incorrect payments we receive is astounding and increasing. I'm sure we're not the only ones.

    The SUMMARY INVOICE contains all the necessary job info the client requires, but doesn't show a rolling total. The STATEMENT, while showing what is 'actually' due (accounting for any under or over payments), only provides basic job info. If these two reports could be amalgamated it would be truly comprehensive and time saving.

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  19. make Image preview always visible in selector window

    When selecting or viewing one or more images onto a job, it would be nice to see the image in the first pop up window (if one has been assigned yet) without having to click View Image. Also, if an 'IMAGE' line item is on a job, there seems no way to see if it is populated with an image or if it is blank.

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  20. more intuitive manual payment allocations window

    a few improvements are requested by users who don't find initial exposure to this window as good as T6 was.
    1. Double click the row to allocate it, more intuitive than CTRL-click
    2. Re-implement the single APPLY button next to AUTO APPLY as per T6
    3. Ability to CTRL-click multiple rows then click APPLY

    "The blue hint text re Ctrl-click was not noticed, but we expected dbl click to do the allocation".

    Feedback documented by staff : SR

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