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  2. Allow setting a maximum job value limit

    So, say a customer has a maximum job value limit of £130, if when adding items to the job, it takes the total value over £130 - the price stays capped at £130.

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  3. I need to view a list of jobs completed every day with total showing on

    and also i need to print out a list of dentists or practise with specified fields(details) of the job not with default fields you put in

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  4. Would like a report to show all jobs for tagged customers, showing surgeon, patient and full job details

    It would be similar to the Jobs by Reference list, but instead of using a reference, allow me to select a customer tag. All jobs should be listed for those customers, showing job state, surgeon name and ID, patient name and full job details (such as in the detailed reports)

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  5. Practice Summary Statement - need a monthly version

    For example, if we are entering the date range of 1st of the month to last of the month the current statement is showing total of invoices plus outstanding balance.

    Would like a version of the practice summary statement that only shows totals for the date range I specified.

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  6. Allow adding an item to a job using defaults

    ie. default quantity, price band, price etc. so there would be no need to display the screen asking me to confirm these details.

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    We are gathering feedback with a view to improve this aspect of the line entry design.

    However, in the current system you can already use the speed entry feature:

    1. enter the item code followed by a comma
    2. press ENTER
    (this will instantly add the row for quantity 1, using the default price. For > qty 1 enter a number after the comma)

    See article:

  7. IDH are staggering payments based on the individual tax dates of the invoices in the CSV file

    This means we receive a number of payments from them throughout the month. In order to receive a single payment for them they say we need to submit the invoices with the same tax date.

    Can it be an option on the electronic invoice utility to use the same tax date for all invoices for that month?

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  9. We need to search for customers by type

    For example, we created a Prospect customer type. The customer doesn't show in an "All customer accounts" search.

    In fact, we want to segregate prospects from surgeons, so even if prospects did appear in this list it is still not ideal to locate prospects amongst the surgeons in the list.

    When searching, can we choose to search within a specific customer type?

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    Both issues will be addressed in v7.09.
    Meantime if you in support, and have v7.x your current system can be adjusted for this. Ask our support team to make a script change for you.
    1. Enable hidden customer search script “Customer by Type”
    2. Adjust ‘All Customers’ search to include all types.

  10. Surgeon Summary Invoice Detailed - option to hide individual item prices

    As per the summary invoice with Include Line Items was in Transactor 6... ie. it didn't show individual item prices

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  11. Would like a report showing jobs booked out completed for a customer on a specified date or date range

    We should be able to run this for the current customer on the form - we don't want a list of all jobs for all customers.

    A summary invoice by date range would do the job, but we do not want to show the values of the work.

    This report is to hand to clinicians who we have booked out work to.. but we don't want it to seem like we're pressing them to pay us.

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  12. Optionally include customers with zero sales on the Sales by Customer report

    So we can see who hasn't been doing business with us

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  13. Automatic pop up reminders when a job is due for return soon

    It would be nice to have an option, that a periodic pop-up reminds us that one or more jobs that are due back soon (today/tomorrow) still have not been finished.

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  14. Subcontracted return date reminder

    I subcontract Ch/Co work.Is there any way Transactor could "flag" up the date when a particular subcontracted job is due for return.This would act as a reminder on that day.

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    Yes Transactor can flag up these jobs on a daily basis, but you need to invoke a report or jobs list.

    Each close/or start of Day, print a job schedule report (Reports\Jobs\Booked In)
    This information is also available at any time by clicking Jobs List and choosing Active Jobs – Booked In by Due Date.

    Don’t forget to set the Job Due Date when booking in.

    If you want to restrict the report to a Department eg. ‘subcontracted Ch/Co’, then on booking in, assign the job to that department. In the Booked In jobs report choose that Department only.

    To add amend departments, use your Control Panel. (Setup Wizard, Debts / Stages).

    We have noted the reference to a Pop up please also see this Idea / Suggestion

  15. Allow emailing to primary email AND email list

    So we don't have to go back and add the same email address in email list box that we already entered into all our surgeon's primary email box.

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  16. Send individual job invoices to queue, for printing as a batch later. Same way as Delivery Notes work.

    We find sending individual job invoices to the printer on book-out to be unsuitable for us. We need to print individual job invoices (not summary invoice) and running a batch at the end of the day would be ideal - T6 allowed us to do this.

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  17. Focus QTY box automatically when Edit Lineitem

    Highlight LineItem, press Enter to Edit it. Currently have to press Tab or use the mouse to change the QTY.

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  18. Sales totals print.

    Can we have the option to group the sales totals print out into practice order please.

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  19. Multiple Tagging

    Can we have the option somewhere to add tags to surgeons in one place rather than go into each individually.

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